Trademark Policy

SCOSSA’ Trademarks include “SCOSSA,” the SCOSSA bottle (see image below) and other variations, uses, and derivatives of the SCOSSA name (collectively, “SCOSSA Trademarks”).


Permission is Required to Use SCOSSA Trademarks

SCOSSA’ trademarks may only be used with Signature Cuisines Pvt. Ltd.’ written permission, and then only to the extent of and within the scope of the permission granted. Any use of a SCOSSA trademark that does not comply with such permission and this policy is not authorized. We require permission because Signature Cuisines Pvt. Ltd.stands for certain core principles and we must protect the public’s trust in the SCOSSA name. We also believe it’s important to avoid confusion that can arise when the SCOSSA name and trademarks are used so as to create the false impression of a SCOSSA connection or endorsement.
Changing the appearance of a SCOSSA trademark or adding something to it does not mean that you are free to use the trademark without our permission. For example, “S-COSSA,” “SCOSA,” “SCOSSASHAKE,” “SCO-SSA,” “SCOSSAS,” “MySCOSSA,” “SCOSSISH,” “SCOSSA BEVERAGES” and the like all constitute unauthorized use of SCOSSA trademarks.
To request permission to use a SCOSSA trademark, please email If you are granted permission, we will notify you in writing of the scope of your permission and what use you may make of the trademark(s) providing you comply with the guidelines below.

General Guidelines for Proper Use

The following basic guidelines apply to our licensees’ uses of the SCOSSA trademarks, whether on web pages, in marketing or advertising materials and in any other manner or medium:


If we license you to use the SCOSSA trademarks, we will provide you with trademark images or files to use. The trademarks should be used in the exact form we have provided you and they may not be abbreviated, changed or combined with any other words, symbols or letters.


The following notice should appear somewhere nearby (at least on the same page or on the credits page) with the first use of a SCOSSA trademark:
“The SCOSSA name, trademark(s) and logo(s) used herein are the intellectual property of the Signature Cuisines Private Limited”


In at least the place in which each SCOSSA trademark is used, the trademark should be set apart from surrounding text, either by capitalizing it or by italicizing, bolding or underlining. In addition, your website may not copy the look and feel of any SCOSSA website. We do not want visitors to your website to be confused about which company he/she is dealing with.


All uses of the SCOSSA trademarks must comply with our Terms of Use.


If you have questions regarding this policy or when and how you may use other SCOSSA content, feel free to contact us at




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